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Custom Dog Tags.  American Made

Custom Dog Tags. American Made.

Dog tag sets produced by LogoTags, a division of ^^Ball Chain Manufacturing Co., Inc.^/^|Sole manufacturer of dog tag chains for the ^^United States Military.^/^

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Our custom embossed text military dog tags are the classic style dog tags with five lines of text stamped into a rolled-edge stainless steel tag. These custom dog tag sets are produced in the United States at our factory in Mount Vernon, NY. We take tremendous pride in making these dog tags because our parent company, Ball Chain Manufacturing, makes all of the ball chains for the U.S. Military. These tags are commonly used as medical ID alert tags similar to medical id bracelets and necklaces that ensure essential health information is on your person at all times is more important now than ever before. Enter up to 5 lines of text, select a shiny or matte finish, pick your silencers, and choose an attachment for each military dog tag. *Please note that the silencer will obstruct part of the text when placed on the dog tag.


- 2 Dog Tags

- 2 Chains/Attachments

- 2 Silencers (Please note that the silencer
will obstruct part of the text)

Customize Now

Dog Tag 1 Preview






Dog Tag 2 Preview






Total Price: $9.70

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